“Kindness is more than deeds. Its an attitude, an expression, a touch. Its anything that lifts another person.”

Card 4 Kids


Describe your artwork:

In our graphic art class we were instructed to create cards for kids with positive and uplifting messages featured on them. For starters, these cards are meant to be a nice gift for kids with cancer and to just share love and support with them. My card features a vibrant peacock with a pretty typical background of grass and a sky. Within the sky there are clouds which is where I embedded my positive message.


How did you create your artwork?

I created my card using Adobe Illustrator where by using shapes and lines I was able to create my card from scratch. I also used a reference photo for my peacock so that I could make sure my card looked its best. 


What is the big idea behind your artwork? 

The big idea behind my card is to share a positive message to kids who are suffering with cancer. Although I am unable to do anything to directly help the sickness, I would like to do everything within my power to help these kids feel better in any way. 


What were your goals for this artwork? 

My goal for this project was to take my time and make sure to make mine look as neat as possible. I would hate to create a sloppy card when it goes to such a significant cause. 


What are your overall thoughts of your artwork? 

Overall, I felt as if I did a good job of creating something that not only I could appreciate but also the kids. I liked learning the ropes of Adobe Illustrator because now I can use some of the tactics I learned while doing this project in future projects of mine. 

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